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  • 809-276-1081

Board Meeting Etiquette

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    In addition to the meeting itself the board meetings require a great deal of preparation by many people. All participants should follow board meeting etiquette to make these meetings as productive and efficient as is possible. This will ensure that discussions remain on the right track and stop participants from being distracted or distracting other attendees.

    It is important to avoid this by sending out the agenda, the reports, and the talking points a few days before the meeting. It allows members to prepare their questions and comments in advance. It’s also a good idea to inform the chair in advance if a member has a conflict of interest whether it’s actual or a possibility. This will allow the chair to allow the member to declare the conflict, and then expect to be absent.

    Respecting the opinions and contributions of other members is a crucial aspect of manners of conduct. This includes paying attention to and not interrupting other speakers, even if you disagree with them. Also, it means speaking clearly and only asking questions if required. It is also an excellent idea to switch off or turn off your mobile phone during the meeting, and only take personal calls in a see this page crisis.

    This will allow other participants to concentrate and fully participate in the meeting. The last thing you want is for them to get distracted by your mobile phone ringtone or to worry about whether your microphone has been turned off.

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